“The Tsugaru Sister City Exchange opened my eyes to the world around me, experiencing a different culture the way that I did lead me in a positive direction. And resulted in a year abroad and an exciting career opportunity You won’t regret participating!”
-Sarah H.
“My experiences with the Bath/Tsugaru city exchange program have been truly life-changing. While in High School I was fortunate enough to be selected for the 2001 and 2002 groups to visit Tsugaru city (then Shariki village) These experiences came at a time when I was beginning to contemplate my future studies. I knew I had a lot to offer, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that would motivate me to succeed This exchange showed me a loving country with a different culture. All the people I met during my visits seemed to express a true interest in learning from someone who comes from a different cultural background. These experiences awoke within me an incredible interest in Japanese culture and society that has stuck with me. When I began college, I quickly declared my major in Japanese. My hope was that through intensive language instruction, I would be able to find work that helps strengthen the cross-cultural ties that have been forged between Japan and the US. With the Bath/Tsugaru city exchange program as my catalyst, I was motivated to study hard. I spent two additional years in Japan as an exchange student on other programs. I graduated in the spring of 2008, and I will be continuing on to graduate school at the University of Hawaii in 2009 to study Japanese literature. Besides returning to Japan, I would like to use what I have learned to teach and share my passion for Japanese culture and society with others. Even if the program does not ignite the same passion for you, it is still a wonderful opportunity to connect with gracious and loving people who will open your eyes to entirely different customs, ways of life, and ideas that will follow you for a very long time.”
-Daniel S
“I traveled to Tsugaru city in 2001 when I was thirteen. The entire experience changed my view of the world, its people, and what is possible in life. After living with generous host family, I realized how very small this world is. I came to the conclusion that, regardless of cultural differences, people are truly the same all over the world Because of my two week exchange experience, I made it my goal to study abroad in my future. I have since lived in India with host families for 1 year, and this fall I will be studying for 1 year in Austria. I can attribute my global mindset and fearlessness of travel to my wonderful experience with the Bath/Tsugaru Sister City Exchange. I believe I was bitten by the travel bug on the Coast of Japan.”
-Clare C J