The Times Record: New Leaders Managing Exchange Program

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The Bath-Tsugaru Sister City Exchange Program made the front page of the March 30th edition of The Times Record. With new leadership and renewed vigor, we have high hopes for this year’s program, as well as future exchanges. Read an excerpt and access the full article below:

Calling all with wanderlust, the Bath-Tsugaru Sister City Exchange Program is seeking travelers who are interested in experiencing Japanese culture firsthand through a 10-day homestay in northern Japan this summer.

The exchange program takes place every summer, with students and adults from Midcoast Maine traveling to Tsugaru, Japan, and travelers from the sister city visiting Maine. Both sides will engage in cultural activities and excursions during their stay.

“To make the organization better, we need support. Either money or in kind services, especially when the Japanese students come here to visit. We currently put together a good program of activities and things to experience,” [Andy Bailes, president] said. “But if we had transportation providers, food providers, event providers and some financial support, we would be able to provide an experience that is on par with what the Japanese provide for our students when we send them to Japan.”

Click here to read the full article on The Times Record website.