The Bath Tsugaru Sister Exchange Board has met to discuss and act upon the recent tragic events in Japan. Fortunately, our sister city is less affected than the Sendai area, but we are all very concerned and therefore initiating some projects to help the Japanese people. Our relationship began in 1889 with the citizens of Shariki heroically attempting to rescue the crew of the Bath- built ship Cheseborough, hence our motto is “Love and Courage Across the Seas”. In the spirit of our historic friendship, we are establishing a fund to assist relief efforts. Please make your check out to “Cheseborough Program Relief Fund”, and send or deliver it to Carolyn Lockwood, Bath City Hall, 55 Front St in Bath 04530. A drop box for donations will also be in the entrance of City Hall, and a weekend and evening drop box is located by the side door of City Hall. Also stay tuned for a weekend of support and fundraising activities on April 9th.
- Maine Japan Earthquake Relief Effort on Facebook –!/pages/Maine-Japan-Earthquake-Relief-Effort/110509232363317
- Maine + Aomori Partners Relief Efforts for the Earthquake/Tsunami Disaster in Japan –

As was reported in the Times Record, we here in Bath are still trying to determine the extent of damages in Tsugaru after the recent earthquake and tsunami.
Our thoughts go out to our sister city: “Sending a message of Courage and Love across the Seas.”
(Image Source: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Via ABC News).
Statement from Governor LePage on Japan
“Mainers join people across the world in shock and sympathy over the natural disaster that has struck Japan. Maine has a sister-state relationship with the Prefecture of Aomori. We send our deepest condolences to the people of the region while praying for the discovery of the lost and the survival of the injured.”
– Maine Governor Paul LePage
From the Portland Press Herald – March 16th 2011:
Bill Nemitz: Linked by disasters, sister-states bond